Dorsa Euclides F and Euclides

Dorsa Euclides and the lunar crater Euclides - August 6, 2014

Dorsa Euclides and the lunar crater Euclides – August 6, 2014

Dorsa Euclides F and Euclides

Object Type: Moon

Location: Tarragona – Spain

Usually it is not easy for me to draw the moon, and if I have to draw something as delicate as lunar wrinkle ridges (dorsa / Dorsum), things get complicated. But the time I spent enjoying Dorsa F Euclides, Euclides and the neighbors ghost craters worth it.

For more details of my observation you can visit my blog:

Date and Time: 2014-08-06, 21h 50m UT

Telescope: SC Celestron 235mm (9.25″); CGEM mount.

Eyepiece: 7.5mm (313x)

White paper, HB2 graphite pencil, and scanned with Photoshop

Seeing: 4/5 (5 the best)

Transparency: Clear. Rural skies.

Thank you and best regards.


3 responses to “Dorsa Euclides F and Euclides

  1. Oscar,

    Enjoyed your sketch. The dorsa and craters are reproduced in fine details. Thanks for sharing your sketch.

